You live in your body. it’s time to advocate for it.

You have the power inside you to live your best life. Treat your body and mind well and you’ll see amazing results.

Whatever your active life includes, it will require a mix of strength, stability, mobility, balance, and flexibility along with time to restore.


Yoga helps us to sustain our health and wellness so that we may remain active while lowering risk of injury

  • Activate and build strength in weakened muscles, increase joint stability, range of motion, and improve balance.

  • Learn about the impacts of aging on your physiology and how yoga helps slow it down.

  • Learn proper alignment and efficient body mechanics to reduce risk of injury.

  • Create your own home practice so that good habits are part of your daily life.

  • Learn to meditate in order to calm your mind and improve focus and concentration.

  • Learn breathing techniques to increase vitality, reduce stress and improve sleep.

But there’s more… At Active Life Yoga, I show you how the benefits of a practical, sustainable and consistent yoga practice can improve the function of your physiology: 

  • The Digestive System (improve digestion, assimilation and elimination)

  • The Lymphatic System (strengthen immunity)

  • The Respiratory System (support lungs, circulation and supporting muscles)

  • The Cardiovascular System (lower blood pressure)

  • The Endocrine System (balance hormones)

  • The Nervous System & Sleep (restore and refresh)

Read more about yoga and physiology


Develop self-awareness for how you move in the world and Have It support your goal for a healthy active life

I believe in educating, not just instructing, so you can build your own empowerment for greater health, with support and guidance. 

You can expect to leave my classes calm, content, and with a clearer understanding of your own body and its subtle patterns —and with the knowledge that your yoga practice is supporting your goals towards a healthy, balanced & active life. Explore how yoga benefits our physiology as well as our muscular & joint fitness.

Active Life Yoga is more than just yoga! It is about learning to live your best life—preventing pain and injury, increasing vitality, and strengthening your immune, respiratory, cardiovascular health as well as reducing stress and improving sleep. 


Yoga for mid-life is ACCESSIBLE

Different from yoga in your 20s and 30s, classes are more progressive, slower and focused on alignment, pranayama (breath work) and restorative practices. You learn to use props (chair, strap, block, bolster, wall, and counter) so that you still get all of the benefits while maintaining safety and integrity in the postures.



No Prior Yoga Experience?

Too much time simply sitting at a desk?

You don’t need to be fit, be able to touch your toes or even go upside down to do yoga.  I teach yoga that adapts, adjusts and modifies components of the yoga practice to meet you where you are right now.

No time? No Motivation?

I hear you! During mid-life, we have families, jobs, and additional commitments that keep us so busy, it is hard to prioritize our own health and wellness. But can you afford to be ill or injured?

l can meet your schedule, help you be accountable to your self-care and get you moving so you feel better and become more active. 

Athlete & Someone who enjoys recreational activities

It’s a fact. Aging impacts your strength, flexibility, mobility, focus and balance.

Work with me and learn how to align and balance your body asymmetries and habitual patterns of movement in order to prolong enjoyment and avoid injury.




Guiding Values

Active Life Yoga commits to the adherence of the ethical principles as stated in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras listed below.


the ethical principles or social restraints that govern your behavior in dealing with others

Ahimsa (non-harming) 

Satya (truthfulness) 

Asteya (non-stealing)

Brahmacharya (temperance)

Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) 


the self-disciplines that guide your journey inward 

Shaucha (purity)

Santosha (contentment)

Tapas (discipline) 

Svadhyaya (self-study)

Isvara Pranidhana (self-surrender)


Ready For a More Active life?