Yoga for a healthy Digestive System

Yoga and Physiology for Optimal Health Series
by Cindy Dienhart, 500 RYT


The Digestive System comprises a gastrointestinal tract which is a series of organs that runs from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum/anus. Organs that help with digestion, but are not part of the digestive tract include the tongue, saliva glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Parts of other organ systems, such as the nerves and blood also playa major role i n the digestive process.


The chief goal of the digestive system is to break down food into smaller molecules (amino acids, fatty acids and glucose) that can be absorbed into the circulatory system or removed as waste.

Organs/body parts

Healthy vs. Unhealthy

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) refers to the body’s involuntary functions, including digestion. ThemParasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) refers to our “rest and digest” state of relaxation asnopposed to Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) refers to our “fight, flight or freeze” state or stress response.

When digestion is healthy we feel stable and balanced. When the digestive fire is weak (stagnant) we are unable to digest or feel nourished physically and emotionally. In order to optimize a healthy digestive system, we need to spend more time in the PSNS-relaxed and less time in SNS-stressed.

“A healthy gut is usually functioning properly when you have a bowel movement one to two times daily that is well-formed and easy to pass, and you’re not reactive to foods or external inputs like stress or environmental factors,” says Dr. Rosa Parrish. “You also have less susceptibility to conditions such as skin disorders, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory responses, and other health concerns. ”

Common signs of an unhealthy gut are Stomach discomfort, fatigue, food cravings, unintentional weight gain, skin irritation, allergies and autoimmune conditions.

How Yoga Helps

  • Yoga asana and calming pranayama can aid digestion, constipation and bloating by increasing circulation and movement in the abdominal area (upper: stomach and lower intestines) by bringing the body back into PSNS “rest and digest”.

  • According to Lori Gaspar, C-IAYT, 500 E-RYT, YACEP, director of Prairie Yoga Institute, “Actions that enhance digestion bring awareness to and practice poses that engage and release the belly. Compress the belly with forward bends, twists and poses that apply pressure to the abdominal area. Soften, relax and release the belly in poses that create length and space in the abdominal area.”

  • Yoga and gut health. Yoga asanas can offer direct benefits to people who are having digestive issues.

    • By stimulating the digestive fire, or agni, asanas help increase the appetite and balance the metabolism.

    • Asanas stretch the body, massaging the abdominal muscles. This helps food to move efficiently along the digestive tract.

    • Some asanas apply gentle pressure on the organs in the gut, while others help relieve abdominal tension.

    • The twisting asanas help “wring out” some of the abdominal organs, enabling more efficient bowel movements (peristalsis), and relieving constipation.

    • Asanas also improve circulation of blood to the digestive organs, thus aiding digestion.

    • Regular practice of yoga discourages fatty deposits.

    • The body is effectively detoxed. Toxins accumulated from a bad diet, unhealthy lifestyles, and stress are flushed out.


Prairie Yoga Institute Advanced Teacher Training Manual: Energetics, Pranayama & Ayurveda, copyright @2020 by Lori Gasper, all rights reserved.

Yoga for Healthy Aging: A Guide to Lifelong Well-being, Baxter Bell, MD & Nina Zolotow, RYT500, Shambhala Publications, 2017. (See Index: Digestion, page 311) Ayurvedic Eating Tips to Balance Energy and Emotions by Kimberly Jordan Allen, Kripalu
Pranayama for Digestion
Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health


Yoga for a healthy Endocrine System (balanced hormones)


Yoga for a Healthy Circulatory System